unifying cancer & longevity treatments by targeting cell water
relevant literature:1. Tumor Detection by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1971)
2. Intracellular water – an overlooked drug target? Cisplatin impact in cancer cells probed by neutrons (2017)
3. The dynamics of intracellular water constrains glycolytic oscillations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (2017)
4. The phenotypic reversion of cancer: Experimental evidences on cancer reversibility through epigenetic mechanisms (Review) (2024)
weird, renegade science
founded in 2024, tetrahedral, inc. is backed by long journey ventures and 1517 fundinspired by raymond damadian and gilbert ling, we are reviving science that was ignored in the name of dogmatism."all models are wrong, but some are useful"newsMay 2024: Tetrahedral, Inc. has secured pre-seed funding in 1517’s inaugural Flux Capacitor cohort.